
epirus green pie gaia guesthouse yiayia Eleni ingredients 29

Ηπειρώτικη χορτόπιτα απο την γιαγιά Ελένη

You choose which kind of greens you like in your pie (spinach, leek, green onions (the fresh green onion), endive, chicory, amaranth leaves aka vlita in greek) it must be approximately 1 kilo.
*tip: you must really wash them well before you cut them.

The size of the pan and the quantity of the greens depends on how thick or thin you like to make it.


3/4 cup olive oil

2 eggs

2/4 cup rice

2/4 cup frumenty aka trachanas

1 soup spoon salt

700gr of cheese (we used feta cheese but you can add a bit of Mizithra or Anthotyro which is a non salty white greek cheese)

and 5 pieces of the dough we prepared (check here)


You place a sheet of dough in your pan and you oil it and then you place the second one on top (see here how)
**you don’t need to oil the second sheet since the stuffing has oil


Step 1:

Start by adding the dry ingredients

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Step 2:

pour the oil and the eggs


eggs yiayia eleni recipe green pie 1


Step 3:

Now the fun part! Put your hands in and start stirring!! You will notice that, while you stir the ingredients, the greens are slightly shrinking. It is because of the salt and you will see that the stuffing that seemed too much, now seems just enough. At this point you check if it is salty enough for you. We recommend less salt because feta cheese is salty enough.

stirring the green pie


Step 4:

Now put the feta cheese in by breaking it with your hands and be careful when stirring it, you don’t want it to get into smithereens!

epirus green pie gaia guesthouse yiayia Eleni ingredients (29)


Step 5:

Make sure you kind of seperate in half the stuffing and start by placing evenly one part of the mix in the pan with the fyllo you opened.

epirus green pie gaia guesthouse yiayia Eleni ingredients (30) epirus green pie gaia guesthouse yiayia Eleni ingredients (31) epirus green pie gaia guesthouse yiayia Eleni ingredients (32)


Step 6:

Place a sheet of dough and repeat the above step

epirus green pie gaia guesthouse yiayia Eleni ingredients (35)  epirus green pie gaia guesthouse yiayia Eleni ingredients (38)

epirus green pie gaia guesthouse yiayia Eleni ingredients (39)  epirus green pie gaia guesthouse yiayia Eleni ingredients (42)


Step 7:

You tuck inside the first two sheets and place two more sheets on top to seal it!
**you oil both sheets in this process

placing the sheets yiayia eleni greek green pie (2)

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It needs an hour or so in

400 degrees F   200 degrees C             6 gas   Moderately Hot

in a preheated oven and place it in the middle oven rack. It is the happy place where air is circulating, the heat sources are evenly distributed, and tops and bottoms aren’t in danger of burning or browning too quickly.

It should look like this when you take it out!


To cut it better and to check the bottom, Yiayia Eleni offers a tip:
pick a flat pan same size to the pan you used and turn the pie upside down.

Then slide it upside down to the pan you used to bake it!

It is easier to cut and if by any chance the pie is not well baked at the bottom you can bake it again!

turn the pie




epirus green pie gaia guesthouse yiayia Eleni ingredients (63)


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